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Seed Swap Success!

    Hull Seed Swap 2023 hosts over 300 people!

    At 10:30am on Saturday 11th February, we opened the doors of Hull Seed Swap at Jubilee Central after a few years’ hiatus due to the pandemic.

    Throughout the day, we hosted stalls from local community organisations, had delicious food provided by TimeBank Kitchen, and ran family friendly make and take sessions delivered by #WeMadeThisHull. In addition, we gathered local and national experts to speak about key issues relating to food and growing, and launched the Hull Growers’ Handbook 2023.

    We were very pleased that 323 people came along, swapped seeds and found out more about the great work that is happening in Hull.

    You can download the new Hull Growers Handbook here.

    Presentations from some of our speakers can be downloaded from the following links:

    Hull Food Partnership would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came along, especially those who helped out and hosted stalls at the event. You can find out more about the organisations here:

    Finally, thanks to Jubilee Central for hosting us, and of course the fabulous HEY! Volunteers!

    If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved in future Hull Food Partnership events, please email

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