Privacy Policy
At the Hull Food Partnership we are committed to protecting the data privacy of our employees and service users and meeting all regulatory requirements relating to the protection of personal information in strict compliance with the current General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Any personal information that we may request or process will be relevant to the delivery of services to our customers or as part of our role as an employer. Visitors to the Hull Food Partnership website can be assured that the protection of privacy and confidentiality are given the highest priority.
Where we process personal information, this will be undertaken following the privacy principles:
The Hull Food Partnership do not collect any personal information from visitors to its website other than information that is knowingly and voluntarily given. Anonymous information is collected, such as the number of visitors to the website in a given period, but it is purely statistical and cannot be used to identify an individual user. Cookies are not used to collect any other information from visitors to the website, please see our Cookie policy for more information.
When using our services, we will collect personal information from you such as name, title, address, telephone number and employment status. Dependent on which of our services you use, it may be necessary for us to collect further information, in which we will request your explicit consent.
Information we collect about you
- All collection and processing will be in a lawful, fair and in a transparent manner.
- Any information we collect will always be for a legitimate purpose.
- We will only collect the information needed. We will review this regularly to ensure the information we hold continues to remain adequate and relevant.We will not hold information longer than is necessary, and we have a consistent archiving process to ensure out dated information is not used.
- We will only contact you with relevant information and with your prior consent.
- We will undertake all processing in a manner that maintains appropriate security of the personal information provided to us.
In some circumstances, we may collect or process sensitive personal information. For example, details about an employee’s or service users health, race, ethnic origin, their sexual orientation or their religious beliefs. We aim to not collect this information as a normal activity but only when explicit consent has been requested and given.
Data Security
The Hull Food Partnership take appropriate measures to safeguard the information it holds from unauthorised access or improper use. The Hull Food Partnership continually reviews and up-dates its security procedures as new technologies become available and new activities are introduced.
Any third parties to whom information is transferred are made aware of these security practices and are also required to take reasonable precautions to protect the transferred data.
Storing data
We store any information provided to us in a secure manner, either on a secure server, or if a paper copy is needed, in a locked filing cabinet. If we need to communicate personal data over the internet, this will be encrypted and password protected.
To ensure we do not keep data for longer than necessary and to maintain the integrity of the data we hold, we store data in accordance with the relevant legal time frames.
Any third parties to whom information is transferred are made aware of these security practices and are also required to take reasonable precautions to protect the transferred data.
Your data
You have the right to request the data we hold on you at any time, free of charge, and we shall supply this within a maximum of one month of this request. You also have the right to request us to amend or destroy your data at any time.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest, however once you have used this link please be aware that we do not have any control over these other websites. Therefore we cannot be held responsible for the privacy of any information which you provide to these websites, and these websites are not governed by this privacy policy.
Any queries relating to The Hull Food partnership collection or use of personal information should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Hull CVS & Meeting New Horizons, The Strand, 75 Beverley Road, Hull, HU3 1XL, telephone 01482 324474, email enquiries@hull-cvs.co.uk.