Veg Power
Veg Champions Assemble!
Over 400 children and young people from schools across Hull have joined forces to become Veg Champions!
During the summer term of 2022, Hull Food Partnership worked with six schools on a project over the summer holidays that encourages children, young people and their families to sow, grow and eat different vegetables using fun activities designed to stimulate discussion and encourage experimentation. We like it when people play with their food!
To support the Summer Eating Challenge, we have created an activity book which can be downloaded here, as well as YouTube videos that you can view here. These resources have been created with children and young people to make them as accessible as possible for a wide range of ages and skills.
If your school, children’s centre or childcare setting would like to get involved in future challenges, contact Darren Squires, Veg Cities Community Campaign Officer via darren@hullfood.org.uk.
Vanquished all the Veg?
If you’re up for an even bigger challenge why not try these seriously scary recipes that we created with ‘Teaming Up For Health’ the Hull KR/Hull FC joint project supported by NHS Hull CCG.
Link to recipe cards as follows:
About Veg Power
Veg Power is a not-for-profit nationwide alliance with a mission to inspire and support kids to have veggie loving habits they will share with their family today and their own children tomorrow
Currently Veg Power runs three campaigns to encourage families to eat more veg…
Simply Veg: The mission of Simply Veg is to make it as easy as possible to navigate the cost-of-living crisis by serving affordable as well as sustainable and healthy veg-packed meals that families will love.
#Seasonal Veg is a series of social media campaigns to educate and excite people to eat #SeasonalVeg – traybakes, salads-on-sticks, and one-pot dishes, as well as focusing on different vegetables when they are at their best.
Eat Them To Defeat Them features activities and recipe ideas to reduce the ‘fear factor’ some children experience when eating new/different vegetables to those they are used to.
Launching again in February 2022, each week will feature a rally cry around one of Britain’s family favourite vegetables.
Schools are encouraged to get involved, by asking school caterers to lay out tasty sample dishes of each weeks veg. There are stickers to reward the kids who give them a try, and back home the kids will have a reward chart to encourage them to repeat and normalise eating that veg. Some schools really go for it!
If you are a children’s centre, primary school or a school which caters for kids with special educational needs and you would like to take part, please contact Veg Power to register your interest. Contact Stephanie Douglas at hello@vegpower.org.uk
Families who do not receive a hard copy of the activity book will still be able to take part by downloading an electronic version here.
Veg Power resources can be downloaded here.