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Peas Please Award!

    National recognition for Hull Food Partnership – 12th October 2020

    We were delighted to be nominated for the phenomenal work that John Pickles did whilst working for Hull Food Partnership on the Veg Cities campaign. 

    As a result of his hard work, Hull Food Partnership was named the runner up for the Veg City Prize at VEG FEST 2020. The prize was awarded by Peas Please as part of the week-long VEG FEST celebrations in October and recognises impactful and integrated place-based approaches to increasing veg uptake at a local level for cities participating in the Veg Cities campaign.  

    VEG FEST was organised by Peas Please, Veg Power, and Veg Cities with the aim of bringing together our community of cities, organisations, and individuals to discuss what place vegetables have in food policy, our diets, and the post-Covid-19 food environment. This included awarding the first ever Peas Please prizes, hearing about the results of 2020’s Eat Them To Defeat Them Veg Power campaign, and discussing the future as part of our collective movement to help the UK eat more veg.     

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