Join the Hull Food Inequality Alliance – 16th November 2020
Please welcome Cara Bilson who has recently taken on the role of Hull Food Inequality Officer for Hull Food Partnership.
Drawing on her two years community campaigning experience, and her insight into local food insecurity challenges, Cara is determined to contribute to greater meaningful development of Hull’s food landscape.
As part of her role, she will be bringing together a Hull Food Inequality Alliance and is looking to map current levels of access to emergency and affordable food across the city.
Between 2018 to 2019 the Hull Food Inequality Alliance was a working group, dedicated to creating a cohesive approach to tackling food poverty. Now, with the fallout of Covid-19 causing increasing levels of food insecurity, it makes sense to revisit the alliance.
For more information please follow this link: https://hullfoodpartnership.org.uk/food-inequality-alliance/
In this way, we hope to provide a new mechanism to coordinate a city wide approach to tackling food poverty in Hull.
If you work in the food business, the local charity sector or run an organisation which involves engaging with the local community in a grassroots sense, then we want to hear from you!
Please email cara@rootedinhull.org.uk for more information or to sign up to the Hull Food Inequality Alliance.