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What Do You Put In Your Mouth

    Join us online on 10th February to find out what young people put in their mouths!

    As a local partner for Food For Life Get Togethers, we are running an online webinar and Q&A with The Warren and Rooted in Hull to explore the work we did with young people in 2021.

    This will cover the development of the Nurture Hull activity book and the Bread Winners project. Our aim was for young people to consider what they put in their mouths, and how this directly impacts their physical and mental health, their families and local communities and the environment as a whole.

    The Warren will discuss their work to support young people’s food knowledge through their training kitchen Scran!, in growing partnership with our second guest, Rooted in Hull. We’ll look at the efforts to share expertise in ways that can develop and enhance future work with young people, as well as the challenges and successes in delivering joint work in the midst of a pandemic.

    There will be a chance to both ask questions and meet the other groups from around the country joining us who are also interested in this work. The session will run on Thursday 10th February from 2pm-3pm on Zoom, find out more and register to attend here:

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